Tuesday, 7 April 2009

M has high sex drive -is that normal?

Interesting blog you have you certainly seem to know your stuff, how does someone come to have so much knowledge? it has taken me years of being a sex addict to learn some of the tricks and tips that you share, (now every man will know my secret)so maybe you can help me though?why do i want sex with loads of different women all of the time?that is the only question i want answering?m x

Dear M

Thanks for your input!! I have written sex advice for years and studied psychology so I have learnt a few things along the way....apart from all that though, since I was young I have been fascinated with sex and all the variables and forms that it takes........so I guess my hobby has literally turned into my passion!!

As for your question...... you arent alone, many, many men feel the need to have sex with different women all the time.........men are hardwired differently from women - women need to be loved and nurtured, to have the emotional side of their well being taken care of, whilst men are typically more concerned with procreation and (to put it bluntly!)"getting their rocks off". You guys are very physical creatures (thats not to say some of us women arent too!) and this is how you find release. Are you in a relationship at the moment? Do you find it hard to stay faithful to one person - those are questions that need answering more than the one you have asked! If you are not in a relationship and you stay faithful when you are, then I dont really see that you have a problem - as long, of course, as you USE A CONDOM and stay safe!

Kind regards,


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